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ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 19-05-06 23:01
South Africa Election
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   http:// [27]
   http:// [14]

Supporters of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, attend an election rally at Orlando Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, Sunday, May 5, 2019. Campaign rallies for South Africa's upcoming election have reached a climax Sunday with mass rallies by the ruling party and one of its most potent challengers. (AP Photo/Mujahid Safodien)

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Tigaer Day Guinness World Record attempt in Bangalore

Participants in a Guiness World Record gather around solved Rubik's cube fit into a mosaic, in Bangalore, India, 05 May 2019. The world record attempt to compose a tiger face mosaic from 1,200 Rubik's cubes to a size of 228 by 171 centimeters is aimed at raising awareness of tiger conversation. EPA/JAGADEESH NV

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