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Ãâó: Target Corporation

Target Celebrates 20 Years of Designer Partnerships

-- Retailer to commemorate 20 years of making great design accessible to everyone with a limited-edition Anniversary Collection

MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- This fall, Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its first designer partnership, a bold endeavor that has continued to differentiate the mass retailer as the purveyor of chic, affordable design. What started with renowned architect Michael Graves in 1999 has led to more than 175 designer partnerships over the past two decades. In celebration of this milestone, Target is opening up its archives to offer guests a limited-edition collection featuring 20 of its past designer partnerships.

"Target has forever changed the retail landscape by doing what once was considered impossible ? offering great design at an incredible price. This anniversary celebrates our rich design history and the diverse range of partnerships we've offered our guests for the last 20 years," said Mark Tritton, executive vice president and chief merchandising officer, Target. "Each partnership brought something special and exciting to our guests, and with 20 years behind us, we're only getting started. We look forward to bringing our guests more incredible, inspiring and affordable design, creating preference for Target each and every day."

In celebration of its anniversary, Target is bringing back nearly 300 original, iconic items from 20 past designer partnerships. The limited-edition collection spans apparel, accessories, home decor and kitchen necessities. The Anniversary Collection will be available, while supplies last, Sept. 14 at all Target stores and Target.com, with prices ranging from $7 to $160. Designer collections and items will vary by store and guests may purchase up to five items per size and color. Guests can visit Target.com once the look book is available to plan their trip accordingly. Underscoring Target's commitment to inclusivity, all women's apparel will include extended sizing. The design partners featured in the Anniversary Collection are:

- Michael Graves (1999-2013)

- Philippe Starck (2002)

- Stephen Sprouse (2002)

- Isaac Mizrahi (2003-2009)

- Erin Fetherston (2007)

- Proenza Schouler (2007)

- Thakoon (2008)

- John Derian (2008, 2010)

- Anna Sui (2009)

- Rodarte (2009)

- Stephen Burrows (2010)

- Zac Posen (2010)

- Harajuku Mini (2011-2012)

- Missoni (2011)

- Jason Wu (2012)

- Phillip Lim (2013)

- Altuzarra (2014)

- Lilly Pulitzer (2015)

- Marimekko (2016)

- Hunter (2018)

"Design has always been a part of Target's DNA. From our stores and the products we create to the partnerships we cultivate, our focus on accessible design sets Target apart, and is one of the reasons guests love to shop with us," said Rick Gomez, executive vice president, chief marketing and digital officer, Target. "Our marketing campaign will celebrate the inclusive nature of design at Target, including a book and documentary that highlight Target's impact on the retail industry and our guests' lives by making great design accessible to everyone."

In addition to Target releasing the Anniversary Collection, Rizzoli, a publishing house known for its extensive library of beautiful, high-quality books, is releasing a book that chronicles Target's rich history of design, featuring commentary from designers and fans of the retailer's collaborations, available Tuesday, Sept. 3. Target also enlisted RadicalMedia, a producing partner, to create a documentary that will release this fall, taking a closer look at how Target's innovative approach to affordable design forever changed the retail industry. The film features people who have played a central role in the retailer's collaborations with both emerging and established designers and brands. More information can be found at Target.com/abullseyeview [https://corporate.target.com/ ]. Guests are invited to join the conversation on social media using #Target20.

About Target

Minneapolis-based Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) serves guests at more than 1,850 stores and at Target.com [https://www.target.com/ ]. Since 1946, Target has given 5% of its profit to communities, which today equals millions of dollars a week. For the latest store count [https://corporate.target.com/press/corporate ] or more information, visit Target.com/Pressroom [https://corporate.target.com/press ]. For a behind-the-scenes look at Target, visit Target.com/abullseyeview [https://corporate.target.com/ ] or follow @TargetNews [https://twitter.com/targetnews ] on Twitter.

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/954885/Target_XXO_Logo.jpg

Source: Target Corporation

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